2024年英國UK Hi-Fi Show Live音響展實況報導 (Ascot Racecourse)
PAGE 01: Index and Show Information
PAGE 02: Entry, Ascot Racecourse
PAGE 03: SOUND DESIGN DISTRIBUTION, Suite: Windsor Forest (Level 2, Core A), Accusound Cables , Charisma Audio, Clic, Consonance, Grimm Audio, Halcro, Kii Audio, Lumin, Mola Mola, Nagaoka, Pantheone Audio, Silent Angel, Skyanalog, Vivid Audio
PAGE 04: SIGNATURE AUDIO SYSTEMS, Suite: Royal Ascot Racing Club South (Level 2, Core A or B), AVM, Canor Audio, Canton, Clarus Cables, Ferrum Audio, Matrix Audio, PS Audio, Sbooster, Thorens, VAC
PAGE 05: YG ACOUSTICS, Suite: Royal Ascot Racing Club North (Level 2, Core A or B), Aurender, Avantgarde, Bel Canto, Boulder, Cardas Cables, YG Acoustics
PAGE 06: KEF, Suite: The Old Press Room (Level 2, Core A)
PAGE 06: HENLEY AUDIO, Suite: Ascot Authority (Level 2, Core B), Austrian Audio, E.A.T, HiFi Rose, Klipsch, Musical Fidelity, Ortofon, Piega, Pro-Ject Audio Systems, Synthesis, WiiM
PAGE 07: CADENCE DISTRIBUTION, Suite: Parade Ring (Level 2, Core B or C), Crystal Cable, Garrard, Loricraft, Nagra, Rockport Technologies, Rotel (Michi), Shelter, Siltech, SME, Spendor, Weiss Engineering, Western Electric
PAGE 08: EXPOSURE ELECTRONICS, Suites: 227, 228 (Level 2, Core C), Chord Company, Connected-Fidelity, Exposure Electronics, Isoblue, Keith Monks, ProAc, RCM Audio
PAGE 08: HI-FI NETWORK, Suite: 234-235 (Level 2, Core C), ELAC, Enleum, Moonriver Audio
PAGE 08: DALI, Suite: 239-241 (Level 2, Core D), Atlas Cables, DALI, Lyngdorf
PAGE 09: ROGERS, Suites: 248, 249 (Level 2, Core D)
PAGE 09: ARCAM, Suite: 341-344 ‘The Iron Stand’ (Level 3, Core D)
PAGE 09: RA-ACOUSTICS, Suite: 331-332 (Level 3, Core C and D), Brinkmann Audio, Kuzma, Master Fidelity, RA-Acoustics, Soulution Audio
PAGE 10: MBL AKUSTIKGERÄTE, Suites: 419, 420 (Level 4, Core C)
PAGE 10: HEGEL, Suites: 423, 424 (Level 4, Core C), Audiomica, Egglestonworks, Hegel
PAGE 11: CONNECTED-FIDELITY/SYMPHONY DISTRIBUTION, Suites: 427, 428 (Level 4, Core C), Connected-Fidelity, Hana, Montaudio, Sorane tonearms, Tannoy, Telos-Audio, Zeiler Audio
PAGE 12: KARMA AV, Suite: 435-436 (Level 4, Core D), In-akustik, Primare, SVS
PAGE 12: KARMA AV, Suite: 437-439 (Level 4, Core D), In-akustik, Perlisten, Primare
PAGE 13: KARMA AV, Suite: 442 (Level 4, Core D), Primare, System Audio
PAGE 13: KARMA AV, Suite: 445 (Level 4, Core D), BAT In-akustik, MoFi, Primare
PAGE 14: MONITOR AUDIO, Suite: 413-415 (Level 4, Core C), Monitor Audio, Blok, Roksan
PAGE 14: NODE AUDIO, Suites: 408, 409 (Level 4, Core A), Chord Company, iFi Audio, Node Audio, Quadraspire, SPL, Valvet
PAGE 15: HARMONY HI-FI, Suites: 501-503 (Level 5, Core A), AMG, Bergmann, Gryphon, Ideon, Jorma, Marten, Pink Faun, Solid Tech, Soundsmith, Synergistic Research, TAD Labs
PAGE 16: NEXUS AUDIO, Suites: 504-506 (Level 5, Core A), B.Audio, Estelon, Fezz Audio, Fischer & Fischer, German Physiks, Plinius, Velodyne
PAGE 17: KOG AUDIO, Suites: 512, 513 (Level 5, Core C), Franc Audio Accessories, FinkTeam, Soulnote, T+A, Tellurium Q, Transrotor
PAGE 18: ORIGIN LIVE, Suite: 517 (Level 5, Core C)
PAGE 18: SOUND FOWNDATIONS, Suite: 520-521 (Level 5, Core C), Clearaudio, DS Audio, Furutech
PAGE 19: ABSOLUTE SOUNDS, Suite: On5 (Level 5, Core C/ D), Analog Relax, Antipodes, Artesania, Audio Research, Constellation Audio, Copland, D’Agostino Master Systems, DarTZeel, dCS, DeVore Fidelity, Döhmann Audio, Franco Serblin Studio, HSE Swiss, Ikigai Audio, Jadis, Metaxas & Sins, Magico, PrimaLuna, Reed, Robert Koda, TechDAS, Thiele, Trafomatic Audio, Transparent Audio, Wilson Audio
PAGE 20: JBL, Suite: 523 (Level 5, Core C)
PAGE 20: RUSS ANDREWS/KIMBER, Suite: 637-638 (Level 6, Core C), Kimber Kable, Meridian, Russ Andrews, WiiM
PAGE 20: VINTAGE SHOWCASE, Suite: 643-644 (Level 6, Core C), Hi-Fi News’ vintage expert, Tim Jarman, is featuring two classic Aiwa and Aurex micro systems from the early 1980s alongside Technics’ miniature SB-F3 loudspeakers. Also on demonstration will be the iconic Marantz CD-73 CD player together with the linear-tracking Technics SL-10 turntable
PAGE 20: B&W/MARANTZ, Suite: 628-630 (Level 6, Core B and C)
PAGE 21: SYMMETRY, Suite: 625-626 (Level 6, Core B and C), Brinkmann Audio, Chasing The Dragon, Goldenberg Audio, Harmonic Resolution Systems, Kiseki, Lyra, Quadratic Audio, Stax
PAGE 21: SCV DISTRIBUTION, Suite: 613-614 (Level 6, Core B), Manley Audio Labs, IsoAcoustics, IsoTek, Triangle
PAGE 22: HEADPHONE ZONE, Record Markets
此篇文章於 2024-09-22 07:38 PM 被 Leo Yeh 編輯。
Video Coverage
00:00:00 Entry Ascot Racecourse
00:02:57 SOUND DESIGN DISTRIBUTIONSuite: Windsor Forest (Level 2, Core A)Accusound Cables , Charisma Audio, Clic, Consonance, Grimm Audio, Halcro, Kii AudioLumin, Mola Mola, Nagaoka, Pantheone Audio, Silent Angel, Skyanalog, Vivid Audio
00:07:34 SIGNATURE AUDIO SYSTEMSSuite: Royal Ascot Racing Club South (Level 2, Core A or B)AVM, Canor Audio, Canton, Clarus Cables, Ferrum Audio, Matrix Audio, PS Audio, Sbooster, Thorens, VAC
00:10:54 YG ACOUSTICSSuite: Royal Ascot Racing Club North (Level 2, Core A or B)Aurender, Avantgarde, Bel Canto, Boulder, Cardas Cables, YG Acoustics
00:18:10 HENLEY AUDIO Suite: Ascot Authority (Level 2, Core B)Austrian Audio, E.A.T, HiFi Rose, Klipsch, Musical Fidelity, Ortofon, Piega, Pro-Ject Audio Systems, Synthesis, WiiM
00:20:58 CADENCE DISTRIBUTIONSuite: Parade Ring (Level 2, Core B or C)Crystal Cable, Garrard, Loricraft, Nagra, Rockport Technologies, Rotel (Michi), ShelterSiltech, SME, Spendor, Weiss Engineering, Western Electric
00:30:15 DALISuite: 239-241 (Level 2, Core D)Atlas Cables, DALI, Lyngdorf
00:32:18 MBL AKUSTIKGERÄTESuites: 419, 420 (Level 4, Core C)MBL
00:33:58 CONNECTED-FIDELITY/SYMPHONY DISTRIBUTIONSuites: 427, 428 (Level 4, Core C)Connected-Fidelity, Hana, Montaudio, Sorane tonearms, Tannoy, Telos-Audio, Zeiler Audio
00:35:29 HARMONY HI-FISuites: 501-503 (Level 5, Core A)AMG, Bergmann, Gryphon, Ideon, Jorma, Marten, Pink Faun, Solid Tech, Soundsmith, Synergistic Research, TAD Labs
00:39:45 NEXUS AUDIOSuites: 504-506 (Level 5, Core A)B.Audio, Estelon, Fezz Audio, Fischer & Fischer, German Physiks, Plinius, Velodyne
00:42:56 SOUND FOWNDATIONSSuite: 520-521 (Level 5, Core C)Clearaudio, DS Audio, Furutech
00:45:00 B&W/MARANTZSuite: 628-630 (Level 6, Core B and C)Bowers & Wilkins, Marantz
00:47:06 ABSOLUTE SOUNDSSuite: On5 (Level 5, Core C/ D)Analog Relax, Antipodes, Artesania, Audio Research, Constellation Audio, Copland, D’Agostino Master Systems, DarTZeel, dCS, DeVore Fidelity, Döhmann Audio, Franco Serblin Studio, HSE Swiss, Ikigai Audio, Jadis, Metaxas & Sins, Magico, PrimaLuna, Reed, Robert Koda, TechDAS, Thiele, Trafomatic Audio, Transparent Audio, Wilson Audio
00:55:56 RA-ACOUSTICSSuite: 333-335 (Level 3, Core C and D)Brinkmann Audio, Kuzma, Master Fidelity, RA-Acoustics, Soulution Audio
00:59:02 HEGELSuites: 423, 424 (Level 4, Core C)Audiomica, Egglestonworks, Hegel
01:00:53 KARMA AVSuite: 435-436 (Level 4, Core D)In-akustik, Primare, SVS
01:02:42 KARMA AVSuite: 437-439 (Level 4, Core D)In-akustik, Perlisten, Primare
01:04:31 KARMA AVSuite: 445 (Level 4, Core D)BAT In-akustik, MoFi, Primare
01:06:18 KARMA AVSuite: 442 (Level 4, Core D)Primare, System Audio
01:07:36 KOG AUDIOSuites: 512, 513 (Level 5, Core C)Franc Audio Accessories, FinkTeam, Soulnote, T+A, Tellurium Q, Transrotor
01:09:17 KOG AUDIO
01:10:20 KEFSuite: The Old Press Room (Level 2, Core A)KEF
01:12:10 SYMMETRYSuite: 625-626 (Level 6, Core B and C)Brinkmann Audio, Chasing The Dragon, Goldenberg Audio, Harmonic Resolution Systems, Kiseki, Lyra, Quadratic Audio, Stax
01:14:06 NODE AUDIOSuites: 408, 409 (Level 4, Core A)Chord Company, iFi Audio, Node Audio, Quadraspire, SPL, Valvet
01:15:01 ORIGIN LIVESuite: 517 (Level 5, Core C)Origin Live
01:16:04 SCV DISTRIBUTIONSuite: 613-614 (Level 6, Core B)Manley Audio Labs, IsoAcoustics, IsoTek, Triangle
01:17:10 ARCAMSuite: 341-344 ‘The Iron Stand’ (Level 3, Core D)Arcam
01:18:27 HI-FI NETWORKSuite: 234-235 (Level 2, Core C)ELAC, Enleum, Moonriver Audio
01:20:02 ROGERSSuites: 248, 249 (Level 2, Core D)Rogers
01:21:08 EXPOSURE ELECTRONICSSuites: 227, 228 (Level 2, Core C)Chord Company, Connected-Fidelity, Exposure Electronics, Isoblue, Keith Monks, ProAc, RCM Audio
01:22:09 RUSS ANDREWS/KIMBERSuite: 637-638 (Level 6, Core C)Kimber Kable, Meridian, Russ Andrews, WiiM
01:23:27 MONITOR AUDIOSuite: 413-415 (Level 4, Core C)Monitor Audio, Blok, Roksan
此篇文章於 2024-09-22 07:15 PM 被 Leo Yeh 編輯。
PAGE 02: Entry, Ascot Racecourse
PAGE 03: SOUND DESIGN DISTRIBUTION, Suite: Windsor Forest (Level 2, Core A), Accusound Cables , Charisma Audio, Clic, Consonance, Grimm Audio, Halcro, Kii Audio, Lumin, Mola Mola, Nagaoka, Pantheone Audio, Silent Angel, Skyanalog, Vivid Audio
PAGE 04: SIGNATURE AUDIO SYSTEMS, Suite: Royal Ascot Racing Club South (Level 2, Core A or B), AVM, Canor Audio, Canton, Clarus Cables, Ferrum Audio, Matrix Audio, PS Audio, Sbooster, Thorens, VAC
PAGE 05: YG ACOUSTICS, Suite: Royal Ascot Racing Club North (Level 2, Core A or B), Aurender, Avantgarde, Bel Canto, Boulder, Cardas Cables, YG Acoustics
PAGE 06: KEF, Suite: The Old Press Room (Level 2, Core A)
PAGE 06: HENLEY AUDIO, Suite: Ascot Authority (Level 2, Core B), Austrian Audio, E.A.T, HiFi Rose, Klipsch, Musical Fidelity, Ortofon, Piega, Pro-Ject Audio Systems, Synthesis, WiiM
此篇文章於 2024-09-22 07:49 PM 被 Leo Yeh 編輯。
PAGE 07: CADENCE DISTRIBUTION, Suite: Parade Ring (Level 2, Core B or C), Crystal Cable, Garrard, Loricraft, Nagra, Rockport Technologies, Rotel (Michi), Shelter, Siltech, SME, Spendor, Weiss Engineering, Western Electric
PAGE 07: CADENCE DISTRIBUTION, Suite: Parade Ring (Level 2, Core B or C), Crystal Cable, Garrard, Loricraft, Nagra, Rockport Technologies, Rotel (Michi), Shelter, Siltech, SME, Spendor, Weiss Engineering, Western Electric
PAGE 07: CADENCE DISTRIBUTION, Suite: Parade Ring (Level 2, Core B or C), Crystal Cable, Garrard, Loricraft, Nagra, Rockport Technologies, Rotel (Michi), Shelter, Siltech, SME, Spendor, Weiss Engineering, Western Electric
PAGE 08: EXPOSURE ELECTRONICS, Suites: 227, 228 (Level 2, Core C), Chord Company, Connected-Fidelity, Exposure Electronics, Isoblue, Keith Monks, ProAc, RCM Audio
PAGE 08: HI-FI NETWORK, Suite: 234-235 (Level 2, Core C), ELAC, Enleum, Moonriver Audio
PAGE 08: DALI, Suite: 239-241 (Level 2, Core D), Atlas Cables, DALI, Lyngdorf
PAGE 09: ROGERS, Suites: 248, 249 (Level 2, Core D)
PAGE 09: ARCAM, Suite: 341-344 ‘The Iron Stand’ (Level 3, Core D)
此篇文章於 2024-09-22 08:05 PM 被 Leo Yeh 編輯。
PAGE 09: RA-ACOUSTICS, Suite: 331-332 (Level 3, Core C and D), Brinkmann Audio, Kuzma, Master Fidelity, RA-Acoustics, Soulution Audio
PAGE 10: MBL AKUSTIKGERÄTE, Suites: 419, 420 (Level 4, Core C)
PAGE 10: HEGEL, Suites: 423, 424 (Level 4, Core C), Audiomica, Egglestonworks, Hegel
PAGE 11: CONNECTED-FIDELITY/SYMPHONY DISTRIBUTION, Suites: 427, 428 (Level 4, Core C), Connected-Fidelity, Hana, Montaudio, Sorane tonearms, Tannoy, Telos-Audio, Zeiler Audio
PAGE 12: KARMA AV, Suite: 435-436 (Level 4, Core D), In-akustik, Primare, SVS
PAGE 12: KARMA AV, Suite: 437-439 (Level 4, Core D), In-akustik, Perlisten, Primare
此篇文章於 2024-09-22 07:54 PM 被 Leo Yeh 編輯。
PAGE 13: KARMA AV, Suite: 442 (Level 4, Core D), Primare, System Audio
PAGE 13: KARMA AV, Suite: 445 (Level 4, Core D), BAT In-akustik, MoFi, Primare
PAGE 14: MONITOR AUDIO, Suite: 413-415 (Level 4, Core C), Monitor Audio, Blok, Roksan
PAGE 14: NODE AUDIO, Suites: 408, 409 (Level 4, Core A), Chord Company, iFi Audio, Node Audio, Quadraspire, SPL, Valvet
PAGE 15: HARMONY HI-FI, Suites: 501-503 (Level 5, Core A), AMG, Bergmann, Gryphon, Ideon, Jorma, Marten, Pink Faun, Solid Tech, Soundsmith, Synergistic Research, TAD Labs
PAGE 16: NEXUS AUDIO, Suites: 504-506 (Level 5, Core A), B.Audio, Estelon, Fezz Audio, Fischer & Fischer, German Physiks, Plinius, Velodyne
此篇文章於 2024-09-22 07:57 PM 被 Leo Yeh 編輯。
PAGE 17: KOG AUDIO, Suites: 512, 513 (Level 5, Core C), Franc Audio Accessories, FinkTeam, Soulnote, T+A, Tellurium Q, Transrotor
PAGE 18: ORIGIN LIVE, Suite: 517 (Level 5, Core C)
PAGE 18: SOUND FOWNDATIONS, Suite: 520-521 (Level 5, Core C), Clearaudio, DS Audio, Furutech
此篇文章於 2024-09-22 07:59 PM 被 Leo Yeh 編輯。
PAGE 19: ABSOLUTE SOUNDS, Suite: On5 (Level 5, Core C/ D), Analog Relax, Antipodes, Artesania, Audio Research, Constellation Audio, Copland, D’Agostino Master Systems, DarTZeel, dCS, DeVore Fidelity, Döhmann Audio, Franco Serblin Studio, HSE Swiss, Ikigai Audio, Jadis, Metaxas & Sins, Magico, PrimaLuna, Reed, Robert Koda, TechDAS, Thiele, Trafomatic Audio, Transparent Audio, Wilson Audio
PAGE 19: ABSOLUTE SOUNDS, Suite: On5 (Level 5, Core C/ D), Analog Relax, Antipodes, Artesania, Audio Research, Constellation Audio, Copland, D’Agostino Master Systems, DarTZeel, dCS, DeVore Fidelity, Döhmann Audio, Franco Serblin Studio, HSE Swiss, Ikigai Audio, Jadis, Metaxas & Sins, Magico, PrimaLuna, Reed, Robert Koda, TechDAS, Thiele, Trafomatic Audio, Transparent Audio, Wilson Audio
PAGE 20: JBL, Suite: 523 (Level 5, Core C)
PAGE 20: RUSS ANDREWS/KIMBER, Suite: 637-638 (Level 6, Core C), Kimber Kable, Meridian, Russ Andrews, WiiM
PAGE 20: VINTAGE SHOWCASE, Suite: 643-644 (Level 6, Core C), Hi-Fi News’ vintage expert, Tim Jarman, is featuring two classic Aiwa and Aurex micro systems from the early 1980s alongside Technics’ miniature SB-F3 loudspeakers. Also on demonstration will be the iconic Marantz CD-73 CD player together with the linear-tracking Technics SL-10 turntable
此篇文章於 2024-09-22 08:02 PM 被 Leo Yeh 編輯。
PAGE 20: B&W/MARANTZ, Suite: 628-630 (Level 6, Core B and C)
PAGE 21: SYMMETRY, Suite: 625-626 (Level 6, Core B and C), Brinkmann Audio, Chasing The Dragon, Goldenberg Audio, Harmonic Resolution Systems, Kiseki, Lyra, Quadratic Audio, Stax
PAGE 21: SCV DISTRIBUTION, Suite: 613-614 (Level 6, Core B), Manley Audio Labs, IsoAcoustics, IsoTek, Triangle
PAGE 22: HEADPHONE ZONE, Record Markets
此篇文章於 2024-09-22 08:04 PM 被 Leo Yeh 編輯。
The UK Hi-Fi Show Live returns Sept 20th-22nd 2024.
The UK's longest-running premier high-end audio show returns to Ascot once again for 2024, offering a great range of beautifully-appointed spaces and event opportunities to showcase the world's finest hi-fi.
Ascot Racecourse
High St, Ascot SL5 7JX, UK
Sept 20th- 22nd 2024
9:30am - 5:00pm Fri (Press Day)
9:00am - 5:30pm Sat
9:30am - 5:00pm Sun
Advance tickets
£20 (£30 for a weekend pass)
£25 (One Day Pass)
£35 (Weekend)
Show Guide Download (PDF, 6.32MB)
此篇文章於 2024-09-23 02:31 PM 被 Leo Yeh 編輯。
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