750D可以顯示96、192及176.4,不能顯示的原因出在使用電腦輸入數位訊號,數位資料流會與其"header information"一起變化,而Headers有3種:Proaudio、Consumer Audio與Pro-sumer

Do you have access to a RS-232 (DB9) to USB cable ?
這句話有人可以幫我翻嗎?是說我用RS-232接到USB? => ???

PS 所我我猜Embla數位輸出沒有Proaudio、Consumer Audio或Pro-sumer的Header,因此沒辦法Lock....:|


The 750D is capable of displaying 96kHz, 192kHz and even 176.4kHz.
This is probably happening because your are feeding the digital signal
from a computer. The reason is simple - digital data streams vary with
respect to where and how "header information" is used - this header
ONLY contains descriptive information about the data stream.
There are actually 3 different types the headers - proaudio, consumer
audio, and pro-sumer (a mix between pro and consumer).

If you were not getting any audio, then there would be a problem - i.e.
the 750D cannot lock onto input digital signal ...

The good news is there will be a firmware update to the 750D available
very soon that fixes this problem. Do you have access to a RS-232 (DB9)
to USB cable ?