

Obviously, I enjoyed reviewing the Neotech silver cable, as I was able to uncover musical details from familiar recordings for the first time, as well as revel in the enhanced musical realism of a recorded orchestra.. These unexpected results motivated me to listen to other recordings, not included in the review, in the hope of realizing a more enjoyable musical experience.

我賣這些東西的初衷很簡單, 我賣的東西都是好貨, 這些東西老實說我賣的價錢跟我直接拿去給熟識的店家出掉


我只是很單純認為這些都是非常平衡的好東西, 當然他跟頂峰差異很大, 但是畢竟每個人玩音響都是慢慢進級的,

在這個價位的這些器材, 或許沒有一些國內牌子來的討喜, 但是卻絕對不會為了討喜而弄得怪聲怪調


能賣出去嘉惠站友是雙贏, 我也換回一些現金加速我的升級計畫, 沒賣出去也沒甚麼大不了

把品項狀況說的明白是我一致的作風, 甚至誇大不好的地方也無所謂

只要雙方都有共識就好, 就是如此單純而已