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    預設 2016年香港高級視聽展 實況報導


    PAGE 01: Audio Note, Einstein, Roksan, Isoclean, Elac, Accustic Arts, Bryston, Sonus Faber, McIntoch,

    PAGE 02: Burmester, PMC Acoustic Signature,Endeavor Audio, ModWright, EMT, Solid State, Ortofon, Vicoustic, My Sonic, JMR, Dynaudio Contour 20, Jeff Rowland, Avalon, NBS, Cardas, Oyaide, Coeur d'Alene, Constellation, Nordost, PS Audio, Magico, Continuum, Naim, Fezz Audio, ProAc, Falcon,YG Acoustics, Soulution, Spendor, Luxman, Vovox, REL, darTZeel, Marten, Ocean Way, Walker, CH, Precision, Artesania, VPI, Rockport, VTL, Spiral Groove, Tannoy, Esoteric, Chario,

    PAGE 03: Kondo, Kaiser, Triangle, Graham, Acoustics System, Zellaton, Siltech, Crystal, Totem, BSC, Audio Analogue, mbl, Audio Research, Ayre, Wilson Audio, Boulder, Transparent, Ayre, Wilson Audio, AESTHETIX, aavik, Raiho, Devialet,

    PAGE 04: Trinnov, Kii Audio, Procella Audio, Focal, Aurender, Goldmund, MC Culture, Martin Logan, Kharma, Vivid, Goldmund, MIT, Dan Agostino, Transrotor, Moon, Dali,Alluxity, Weiss, Manger, Vivard, Vitus, Aurender, fidata,Illusonic Goldmund, Devialet, B&W, Aurender, Rosssofiorentino, EC,

    PAGE 05: JBL, Generation Audio, HIFIMAN, audio access, Tidal, Bergmann, Entreq, EAR, Albedo, Estelon, Chord, Zu audio, Line Magnetic, Lumin, Orpheus, Venture, Vienna, EmmLabs,

    PAGE 06: PMC, Bryston, exposure, Boenicke, CAD, FM, Meyer, Antelope, Harbeth, Sudgen, YS Sound, MSB, Kronos, B2, Origin Live, Audio Valve, Onkyo, Clef Audio,

    PAGE 07: Canary, Acoustic Research, Audio Technica, Furutech, OPPO,

    Let’s Have Fun
    《 2016香港高級視聽展 》
    展覽會的意義是向群眾展示嶄新而具價值的事物,《香港高級視聽展》期望能雲集世界各地新款音響器材及頂尖技術,於三天的展覽期間讓每位觀展人士能感受到各品牌的產品特色。《2016香港高級視聽展》將於8月5日至7日於灣仔香港會議展覽中心內舉行,今屆擴展了Hall 3展館場地,能容納更多廠商參與展覽,各類型的音樂軟件及音響器材琳瑯滿目,配合現場多個示範活動,觀眾朋友將會獲得至佳的視聽娛樂享受。

    《香港高級視聽展》不僅為品牌提供理想的平台來展示新產品,更為廣大樂迷帶來精彩的現場表演節目,過往歷屆參與表演的紅歌星及世界知名樂手多不勝數,每日招待超過仟名樂迷入場免費欣賞節目,為了提升質素,大會專程安排頂級重播器材配合各紅星名人表演,多年來有賴業界友好的支持,情商贊助的重播系統達到世界級水準,2014年及2015年更動用全球僅得5對,為已故搖滾樂巨星Michael Jackson指定採用的美國Ocean Way HR1專業監聽系統,令樂迷感受到比一般演唱會更為細緻的聲音效果,盡情享受每場節目。今屆視聽展在Hall 3展館範圍增設了樂迷聚會區,眾知名紅星將與樂迷見面,樂迷趁此良機可近距離接觸並獲得親筆簽名及拍照留念,機會難逢,不容錯過。



    International Top Gears Gathering in Hong Kong
    Most Sophisticated Technology in one place

    2016 Hong Kong High-End Audio Visual Show
    5-7 August, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

    The 3-day Hong Kong High-End Audio Visual Show, the biggest AV show in Asia, will be held on 5-7 August at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Representatives, designers and engineers from different countries will be participating. In addition to top gears high end brand names, the most advanced digital technology and the latest audiophile-grade music software will be shown. There will also be performances and demonstrations on-site. Sure you don’t want to miss the chance!

    Most Enjoyable Experience

    The vinyl record market is growing by leaps and bounds. With advanced production skills and years of design experience, different turntables, tonearms and cartridges are getting more and more delicate. Items to be shown include : turntables with unique anti-vibrations skills which have adopted the most expensive material and priced over 1 million HK dollars; cartridges with diamond cantilever on natural stones; perfectly designed tonearms for fine calibration; and also the exuberant digital counterparts. Top brands from Korea, United Kingdom, France and different Asian countries will also meet in the Show. High-tech music servers and wireless replay systems are going to dazzle your eyes.

    Since the rise of digital music in the high end market, Hong Kong has followed the international trend closely. As AV shows are getting more and more popular, many brand names have chosen Hong Kong for their new product launch. This year, there will be more freshly launched products so Hong Kong audiophiles will experience the performances of these products early at the Show.

    As to the personal audio equipment, visitors are welcome to try on the fashioned earphones and HD music player at different dealers’ listening areas. For those who enjoy watching movies, they can join in the most advanced Home Theatre System demonstration; enjoy the life-like pictures of the super HD 4K technology; and experience the surging dynamics and excitement of the 360o surround sound.

    The 3-level exhibition venue covers more than 10,000 m2. Different brand names and dealers are located in S2 (10 exhibition rooms covering 1,532m2 ); S4 (9 exhibition rooms covering 1,263m2 ) and in Hall 3 (open area covering 8,000 m2 ). In Exhibition Hall 3, there are 24 ‘Audiophile Rooms’ built with special sound-insulating materials, 17 ‘Feature Exhibition Zones’, ‘Audio Equipment, Cables & Accessories Zone’ and ‘Music Software Zone’. Stylish and innovative equipment brings the most enjoyable moments to every visitor.

    The “2016 Hong Kong High-End Audio Visual Show” will open from 10 am to 8 pm on 5th and 6th August, and from 10 am to 6 pm on 7th August. Ticket holders of the day (HK$80/ticket) can unlimitedly visit different exhibition zones on the same day.

    Marvelous Performances

    To thank every visitor for their support, a hybrid SACD/CD “The Perfect Sound 2016″ will be given for every purchase of the Show ticket. While one can enjoy the visit to the show, one can also enjoy the excellent quality SACD/CD after the show.

    We will jointly present with Forthwise Ltd. a US$400,000 Ocean Way system which includes HR1 Flagship Reference Speakers, CH Precision player and Viola Amplifiers from USA, at Theatre 2, 2/F of the Convention and Exhibition Centre. Artists from both Hong Kong and China will give the most enjoyable performances to our visitors with this system.

    About Audiotechnique :

    Audiotechnique, the most authoritative audio visual magazine in Hong Kong.

    Established in August 1981, the Audiotechnique monthly has been published for 34 years. It has become an essential reference periodical for audio lovers, practitioners, dealers and manufacturers. It is also the most influential, most substantial in content, finest printing and widest publication (including China and big cities all over the world) among similar magazines.

    Since 2003, Audiotechnique has held the most prominent show in Asia – “Hong Kong High-End Audio Visual Show”. This show, the largest of its kind in Hong Kong, is held annually in August for 3 consecutive days at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. There are more than 100 exhibitors and over 25,000 visitors. It attracts audio and video audiophiles from mainland China and other countries in Asia, as well as audio and video manufacturers and representatives from Europe, USA, Japan and Korea.

    Audiotechnique website:www.audiotechnique.com
    Facebook group:http://www.facebook.com/Audiotechnique

    For enquiries please contact Audiotechnique :
    Office hours : 10 am–6 pm Monday to Friday
    Tel : 2881 1252 Fax : 2890 3999 / E-mail:[email protected]
    此篇文章於 2016-08-08 12:35 PM 被 Leo Yeh 編輯。



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