Reite Audio HP-1 Headphone Amplifier

The HP-1 headphone amplifier uses the same technology as our power amplifer products scaled down for headphone listening. Distortion is totally inaudable at any safe listening volume letting you hear every nuance of your favorite recordings. With up to nine watts of power, the HP-1 headphone amplifier can drive any dynamic or planar headphone on the market.

Frequency Response 2 Hz - 70,000 Hz +0.1/-0.1 dB
1 Hz - 125,000 Hz +0.1/-3.0 dB
Gain 17 dB balanced 11 dB unbalanced
THD+N @ 400 Hz, 1/2 watt into 50 ohms 0.0015%
IMD (ITU-R/CCIF), 19 kHz/20 kHz, 1:1, 1/2 watt into 50 ohms 0.002%
Noise <0.02 millivolts unweighted
Channel Balance 0.05dB at any volume setting
Maximum Output Power 9 watts into 50 ohms
Outside Dimensions 20 in W - 3 3/4 in H - 12 3/4 in D
Weight 10 lb 12 oz