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  1. #11
    Thanked 795 Times in 398 Posts


    Cantata Music Server 對應各種NAS或是UPnP的設備將會更完善!

    We are developing a UPnP system and when that system represents our best thinking in terms of ease-of-use and real functionality, we will introduce it in the form of an upgrade.
    The new high speed board (24/192k) is in fact the platform upon which this system is being developed. You can count on us to not release this feature until it's truly useful to the end user.
    "Universal Plug-n-Play" (UPnP) is a complex protocol for controlling the functionality of components in a system.
    Its usefulness depends heavily on how it's implemented. Simply offering "UPnP compatibility" without really solving the entire problem is, in our opinion, not helpful at all.
    More confusion and support issues can be caused by an implementation that is lacking ease of use.
    此篇文章於 2013-04-23 11:20 PM 被 小余 編輯。

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  3. #12
    Thanked 7 Times in 3 Posts


    UPnP renderer capability now available for the Cantata Music Center
    12 June 2013
    Firmware version 2.10 adds UPnP renderer capability for up to 24/192k gapless playback for FLAC, WAV, and AIFF files.
    Click here for Mac instructions to update to version 2.10
    Click here for Windows instructions to update to version 2.10

    What is UPnP?
    UPnP (Universal Plug "n" Play) is a set of protocols that allow a Cantata Music Center to access music files that are stored on a Network Attached Storage device (NAS), or other UPnP compatible music server, to be quickly and easily selected and played. Essentially the Music Center announces its availability on your home Ethernet network that it can be uses as a renderer (playback device) for music stored on a UPnP-capable server. A control point device (iPad, iPhone, Android tablet, etc) is used to select the Cantata as a renderer together with a NAS as a server. The control point device requires an app like PlugPlayer or other control point software for browsing and playlist control.

    What do I need to use the UPnP capability in the Music Center?

    The simplest and most elegant UPnP enabled playback system would consist of the following components:

    ● Cantata Music Center with firmware version 2.10 or higher.

    ● iPad or Android tablet to use as a control point (remote control).

    ● Control point app of your choice on the tablet (Plug Player is recommended on iPad, BubbleUPNP on an Android Nexus 7 tablet is another good option).

    ● Network Attached Storage (NAS) device to store and serve your music library. We like the Synology products such as the DS212j. You can select whatever capacity hard drives you wish to install in the NAS. A couple of mirrored Western Digital "Red" 2TB drives is a nice choice.

    ● Router with wired and wireless capability, such as the Apple Airport Extreme.

    ● Good quality CAT5e or CAT6 Ethernet cables (one from NAS to router, one from Router to Cantata).

    ● Some patience. Getting good results depends on a lot of variables, and every system and environment is a bit different. A very robust network is essential to achieving good results. You may also find that the control point software which works well for someone else doesn't work well in your situation, so some trial and error is too be expected. Your dealer can be a valuable resource in helping you. Also you can find very helpful information in forums like computeraudiophile.com
    Chances are good that many people have experience with exactly what you are setting up and optimizing. We will also be expanding our website with tips and recommendations, as well as firmware update, so check back here occasionally.

  4. #13
    Thanked 795 Times in 398 Posts


    reetings, The much anticipated formal release of our UPnP firmware is here! Firmware version 2.10 adds UPnP renderer capability for up to 24/192k gapless playback for FLAC, WAV, and AIFF files.
    Visit our website (www.resolutionaudio.com/news.html) for links for Mac or Windows computers to download and burn the update onto a CDR. Units must already have the 24/192k version (2.0) hardware upgrade before installing this firmware.

    To verify version, hold the "CD" button on the remote control for 6 seconds...it will display the firmware version. Press any button to return to normal operation. Any version higher than 2.0 is suitable to be able to perform the update to 2.10.

    For some very general info on UPnP see below.

    We expect this additional capability will make the Cantata an even more exciting product to promote and sell. If we can be of assistance with anything as you and your customers start using the UPnP capabilities, let us know.

    All the best,

    Steve Huntley

    Sales and Marketing Director

    What is UPnP?

    UPnP (Universal Plug "n" Play) is a set of protocols that allow a Cantata Music Center to access music files that are stored on a Network Attached Storage device (NAS), or other UPnP compatible music server, to be quickly and easily selected and played. Essentially the Music Center announces its availability on your home Ethernet network that it can be uses as a renderer (playback device) for music stored on a UPnP-capable server. A control point device (iPad, iPhone, Android tablet, etc) is used to select the Cantata as a renderer together with a NAS as a server. The control point device requires an app like PlugPlayer or other control point software for browsing and playlist control.

    What do I need to use the UPnP capability in the Music Center?

    The simplest and most elegant UPnP enabled playback system would consist of the following components:

    Cantata Music Center with firmware version 2.10 or higher.
    iPad or Android tablet to use as a control point (remote control).
    Control point app of your choice on the tablet (Plug Player is recommended on iPad, BubbleUPNP on an Android Nexus 7 tablet is another good option).
    Network Attached Storage (NAS) device to store and serve your music library. We like the Synology products such as the DS212j. You can select whatever capacity hard drives you wish to install in the NAS. A couple of mirrored Western Digital "Red" 2TB drives is a nice choice.
    Router with wired and wireless capability, such as the Apple Airport Extreme.
    Good quality CAT5e or CAT6 Ethernet cables (one from NAS to router, one from Router to Cantata).
    Some patience. Getting good results depends on a lot of variables, and every system and environment is a bit different. A very robust network is essential to achieving good results. You may also find that the control point software which works well for someone else doesn't work well in your situation, so some trial and error is too be expected. A very good UPnP overview was recently posted by Chris on www.computeraudiophile.com. Highly recommended reading for those looking for a good UPnP introduction.

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