Doxa 8.2 speakers

Phenomenal sounding speakers, can be compared to other speakers priced at €50000 or more.

1. Crossover.
As few components in the crossover as possible means less loss of signal. In order to be able to use a simple crossover we need to find the right driver with suiting specs. Together with Seas of Norway we have developed a product that works the ideal way.

2. Phase behavior.
Ideal phase behavior is important to get the music right. With our urge to use simple crossover we need to do physical repositioning of the various drivers to get the absolute phase behavior we want. This is why the speaker looks the way it looks with angels on the woofers and the tweeter on top.

3. Truly efficient cabinet.
We want a rigid, uncolored and efficient cabinet to get the most out of the laws of physics. Our Model 8.2 loudspeaker consists really of several cabinets within the cabinet which all work to best support the drivers specs. By this we get a very clean and powerful low end.

4. Component quality
As always there is no way around high quality parts. We use Mundorf capacitors and a special new inductor coil invented by us.


1” soft dome
2*8” coated paper bass/midrange

2 way crossover with simple 1st order Phase linear 6db / octave filter

Frequency response
23-22’000 Hz

4-8 ohm

94.5 db

82*52*29cm (h*d*w) + 20*20*20cm (h*d*w)
Total system height with spikes: 107cm

System weight:
37,5 kg each complete speaker

One connection pair for tweeter box + one connection pair for Bass/Midrange box
Cable to connect Tweeter box to Bass/Midrange box is delivered with the loudspeakers.
The loudspeaker is to be understood as a SingleWire system.

25 Years

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