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  1. #36
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    Venus meets Mars… Analog and Digital join the forces in the Joplin 384/32 ADC!


    Analog is feminine: it’s warm, smooth, relaxing. Digital is macho: sharp, cold as iron, absolute. Joining the best from these two worlds seemed an impossible challenge… until today. M2Tech made it one more time with the Joplin 384/32 Analog-to-Digital converter: the perfect solution to connect the analog world to a digital system.
    The Joplin is a very high performance analog-to-digital converter capable of 110dB SNR and up to 384/32 operation, with an USB port to connect it to a computer (as well as all other standard digital outputs capable of up to 192/24 operation).
    To summarize the essence of the Joplin with the sentence above is fairly reductive. In fact, the Joplin is equipped with many interesting features which make it a complete solution to provide your system or your computer with the best analog front-end.
    Noteworthy is the selectable analog input stage gain: 0dB (equivalent to 1.7Vrms for 0dBFS) to 65dB! This means that the full dynamic of the Joplin can be exploited even with sources providing a full-scale output as low as 0.95mVrms. This feature alone suggests to vinyl lovers that a cartridge can be directly connected to the Joplin inputs, to acquire the phono signal and equalize it in software on the computer.
    But there’s more.
    As owners of digital-only systems would love to connect a turntable to their digital amp, we provided the Joplin with comprehensive real-time equalization capabilities in digital domain: phono eq can be performed by the Joplin itself, thus outputting a digital signal ready for amplification out of a turntable, without the need for a phono preamp upstream the ADC inputs.
    You may say: the Joplin is not the only ADC providing RIAA eq capability, and you’d be right. But the Joplin goes a long step further: use can choose from a complete set of eq curves, for microgroove LP’s, 78 rpm and even reel-to-reel tapes! All of this without the need for a computer, in real-time!
    To complete the features set, the Joplin makes high-pass (anti-rumble) filters, low-pass (anti-hiss) filters and even an MPX filter (19kHz) available, to cope with noisy sources, warped records and FM signals coming out of tuners!
    A high dynamic led VU-meter and an IR remote allow for full control of the Joplin.
    Why choosing between analog and digital? Go for the Joplin and enjoy both!

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